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    Trnduro | MaTej’s photo gallery

    Another photo gallery from Trnduro in Dražice, Croatia, contributed by SloEnduro’s in-house photographer Ma Tej @ma__tej. 203 photos! There is a good chance you find a photo of yourself drifting through a rock garden or shredding on sweet grippy trails.

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    Trnduro | Video

    Here’s the video report from this year’s round 4, Trnduro in Dražice, Croatia. Action on some slippery rocks and mostly dry and grippy dirt…

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    Trnduro | Ivan Duran’s photo gallery

    The photographer, this time as official lensman for organizer BBK Team Rodeo, picked out these 78 photos.

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    Trnduro | Decided in last stage of the day

    Max Fejer and Gorana Težak win round four of SloEnduro series in Dražice, Croatia after some last stage drama. Final in Grožnjan in five weeks.