

  • Grožnjan race report

    The final race of SloEnduro series was held in Grožnjan, Croatia, during the past weekend. Grožnjan offered a nice atmosphere, great weather and perfect trails which made a super two days of racing for 121 riders. The final race welcomed special guests Gustav Wildhaber and Ludwig Döhl from Cube Action Team who had a great…

  • Najhitrejši Kamplca 2015: Andrej Bratina, Kristijan Medvešček, Vid Peršak, Robert Kodrež in Peter Mlinar

    Kamplc Enduro only for the toughest

    Rainy Saturday awaited riders of SloEnduro in Bike Park Javornik, hosti sixth Kamplc Enduro. Rain did a good damage on the trails and allready on Saturday some of the riders gave it up and went home, many of them didn’t even entry the race and come to Javornik due to such a bad weather forecast.…

  • Ana Zupan na poti proti zmagi na prvem Enduro Rogla.

    Ana Zupan and Peter Mlinar fastest on Enduro Rogla

    Enduro Rogla was held on first day of August in Bike Park Rogla. This time the number of riders coming to Rogla was a real surprise. In the middle of the holidays we reached a record on SloEnduro race (if we don’t count Enduro 3 Camini) with 107 riders on the start. Race was held…

  • Vid Peršak is a hero of Black Hole Enduro 2015. He also won the Maxxis SuperStage. Foto: Manuela Lisjak

    Black Hole goes to Vid Peršak and Nina Rupnik

    Black Hole Bike Fest in Koroška ended last weekend with an Enduro race which was held for three days, from Friday till Sunday, counting for SloEnduro series. Prologue in the city center of Ravne Fourth race of the SloEnduro season opened with a prologue in the cetnter of Ravne na Koroškem, which created a good introduction to the…