Petra Bernhard, Vid Peršak fastest between Basovizza, Val Rosandra and Beka
Grožnjan winners repeat at second round of SloEnduro series above Trieste. Teammates, Austrian and Slovenian, in front of over 160 competitors.
Grožnjan winners repeat at second round of SloEnduro series above Trieste. Teammates, Austrian and Slovenian, in front of over 160 competitors.
This Sunday second round of SloEnduro in 2017 season, sixth edition of Three Chimneys above Trieste, from new venue in Bazovizza/Bazovica and mostly on new special stages.
Here we are with the second set of images from Enduro 3 Camini. This time we had two photographers in action, so we have plenty of great material. Images by our new photographer Matej were allready published, while the work from our allready known friend, Nejc Bole, waited till now. If you didn’t find any photo…
The opening race of the season, held above San Dorligo della Vale and the city of Trieste was wild and so is the video. Check you the mind boggling speed and lines on trails called Jama, 3 Camini, Cascatelle, Botazzo, Beka in Kenda Superstage youself. Over 6 minutes of action with some interviews in video by Tine…