
Montedoro Enduro

  • Prolog v nakupovalnem centru Montedoro, ki je bil tudi glavni pokrovitelj tekmovanja, je poskrbel za pravo atrakcijo dneva. Foto: Dušan Markuš / Epic Outdoor Crew

    Golden Mountain opens the enduro season

    On Sunday the SloEnduro 4Fun series season started with the Montedoro Enduro race in Muggia near Trieste, Italy. It attracted a record number of 142 participants. For a very different start of the season the riders first tackled the prologue course from top floor to the bottom garage of the Montedoro shopping mall. Then they…

  • Ne daleč od prizorišča Enduro 3 Camini, se bomo letos ogrevali že mesec prej.

    Montedoro Enduro opens season in one month

    In one month we are opening the 2016 racing season. For a change we are opening it with a “small” race of 4Fun series, which was our desire when we first got the idea about this small race series. In the coming seasons we certainly aim to have this package of small races happening more in…