
SloEnduro internal rules

Here below you will an internal SloEnduro rule book. These are our internal rules applied on our races. Beside these rules, Slovenian Cycling Federation has the “MTB competition rule book” which determines racing rules of enduro. Race format, protection gear demands, responsibilities etc… Those rules has not been translated yet unfortunately, but mostly rules are the same as in several other countries, so riders are more or less aware of them.




Article 1

This Rule book lays down rules and procedures for all participants in races of SloEnduro series in enduro.

Series SloEnduro consists of several competitions during the season. Special rules of  SloEnduro series are determined by work group consisting from organizers of individual races as well as other representatives. The rules laid down by SloEnduro begin to be valid based on nominations of organizer for the implementation of the competition immediately after classification of the race in the calendar of SloEnduro.


Competition rules

Article 2

Competition will be held according to this Rule book, Rules of the National Cup and National Championship in discipline mountain biking, BMX and Cycling Federation of Slovenia Rules and according to the rules of UCI.

All the rules laid down by these regulation take account on the races of SloEnduro unless otherwise stated.

Races of SloEnduro are measured by Sportident timing system. The timing norm accuracy is 0,01 second. When two contestants have same time the site rank is shared.

Race organizer is required to explain the method of measuring time and give directions for contestants.

Competitors are obligated to acquaint with the method of time measuring system and its use.

Organizer has to ensure the setup of start and finish areas for the most reliable signal pick-up from the timing station.


Races abroad

Article 3

Rules on races of SloEnduro series can be modified. Mainly at races out of Slovenia (in Italy, Croatia, Austria, Hungary, … ) rules may vary so it is necessary to follow the rules of the organizer and the country where SloEnduro is hosted.

The exact terms and conditions of race are written in race propositions by organizer.


Race application and Race propositions

Article 4

Race propositions are the basic file of each individual race. Not withstanding of provision of the Rule book of Slovenian Cycling Federation and Rulebook of SloEnduro Race propositions may contain modification or additions to these rules which contestants of the race have to abide by.

Final regulations of race are defined by Race propositions.

Race propositions must be examined and approved by members of SloEnduro in cooperation with Slovenia Cycling Mountain Bike Commission.

Race organizer must send Race propositions to SloEnduro no later than 30 days before the start of the race.

MTB Commission will publish the propositions on SloEnduro and Cycling Slovenia websites.

Race propositions must be available to the public no later than 14 days before the competition.

Race propositions are published in a unified form provided to organizer by SloEnduro. Organizer must fill the form with all required information.

If organizer does not send Race propositions to SloEnduro within prescribed period of Race propositions do not contain all the information SloEnduro can withdraw the status of “SloEnduro race” of an event and exclude it from the series.

Basic information on all events (date, place, contact) should be available on the website SloEnduro before the race season.

If an organizer fails to organize the race they may be penalised with ban on entry in the calendar for next year.

If organizer has to cancel the event due to objective reasons they should do so in writing at least 30 days before scheduled date.

Cancellation must be sent to SloEnduro which will inform all clubs. Objective reasons for cancellation are decided by SloEnduro.


Rules of race and training

Article 5

SloEnduro races: On the day of the competition activities are scheduled and determine by schedule which is final and unified. Organizer must determine schedule of the race and include it in Race propositions.  Race courses are generally published two days before main event but the final schedule is determined by the Race propositions for each race separately.

Article 5.1

In a single day event with one lap on the race course for training and the second one for race the elevation gain/drop stands for total of both laps. The elevation gain/drop (in meters vertical) defines the length of the race:

Other specifics for single day event (held on Sunday):

Sample of timetable sticker for single day race:

Start no. 100
Category Master 2
Team Team Samplicty
Country AUT
Start training 09:00:00
S1 T 09:55:00
S2 T 11:10:00
S3 T 12:15:00
Start race 13:00:00
S1 13:45:00
S2 14:45:00
S3 15:45:00
Finish 16:00:00

Article 5.2

In a two day event the training is held on the first day (Saturday) and race on second day (Sunday). The elevation gain/drop (in meters vertical) defines the length of the race:

Other specifics for two day event:

Sample of timetable sticker for two day event:

Start no. 100
Category Master 2
Team Team Samplicty
Country AUT
Start race 09:00:00
S1 10:05:00
S2 11:10:00
S3 12:15:00
S4 13:20:00
S5 14:30:00
Finish 14:45:00

Article 5.3

Training on course is only allowed during official training times.

Training on one’s own power only. No powered vehicles should be used in training. Only exception is the e-bike category if included in propositions or if organizer plans transfer for riders with vehicles or lifts.

No access to course without start number.

Riders are allowed to repeat sections of special stages but not to ride a complete special stage more than once.

Competitors who does not abide to rules can be disqualified before, during or after the race or penalised by time penalty or withdrawal of a certain number of points or in any other way determined by the Race propositions. Penalties can only be decided by Commissaire. Organizer is obligated to define rules of training in the Race propositions.

The aim of above provisions is to enable farrier conditions for all competitors and to promote socialising on training days. Therefore the final rules about training will be determined for each race separately due to honesty for all participants because conditions vary from venue to venue.


Venue preparation

Article 6

Special stages must be clearly marked by tape.

Transfers to special stages must be clearly marked by signs.

Team area (parking, pits, bike wash etc.) should be close to the start/finish area and race office.

Info board containing events schedule, official communiques and documents (start lists, results) should be located in a visible place, preferably next to race office.


Registration and entry fees

Article 7

All information about registration is published in Race propositions on www.sloenduro.com.

Registration closes latest on Friday before the event at 24:00 hrs.

No late registrations will be accepted on site.

Registration must include name (first and last) of competitor, team name, category and license number/Slovenia Cycling card number or date of birth.

Registration is done through Prijavim.se online form on www.sloenduro.com or www.prijavim.se.

Detailed information about registration is included in Race propositions.

Competitor (or team manager) must pick up the start number(s) in race office.

Competitors can enter only with a valid UCI license, except in 4Fun category and U13 category.

The organizer can require insurance for participants which is generally is covered by the license or membership card. Insurance for non-licensed competitor can be provided and paid for in race office.

Organizer has the right to refuse participation to non-licensed participants or participants without membership card. This must be published in Race propositions.

Recommended entry fee for SloEnduro races is 35 € and maximum entry fee is 45 €.

Recommended entry fee for SloEnduro races for U13, U15 and U17 categories is 15 € and maximum entry fee for these categories is 20 €.

Organizer will publish the entry fee in Race propositions.

Registration is final when the fee is paid through Prijavim.se registration system.

Entry fee also includes any transport provided for participants on the race day.

Cancellations are possible, deadline is determined by the organizer in Race notice.


Categories SloEnduro series

Article 8

Categories for SloEnduro series for 2022 season are:

Category (short name) Age/Years of birth
U13 course
U13* 10-12 years (2010-2012)
Short course
U15 boys (U15 M)
U15 girls (U15 W)
13-14 years (2008-2009)
13-14 years (2008-2009)
U17 male (U17 M)
U17 female (U17 W)
15-16 years (2006-2007)
15-16 years (2006-2007)
4Fun Non-licenced, all ages, M/F
Long course
U19 junior men (U19 M) 17-18 years (2004-2005)
Elite men (Elite M) 19 years and older (2003 and older)
Amateur men (Amateur M) 19-34 years (2003-1986)
Master 1 men (Master 1 M) 35-44 years (1987-1978)
Master 2 men (Master 2 M) 45-54 years (1977-1968)
Master 3 men (Master 3 M) 55 years and older (1967 and older)
Women 17 years and older (2005 and older)
4Fun Non-licensed 17 years and older (2005 and older)
Overall All (excluding 4Fun)

*U13 competitors should be accompanied on transfers by parents or authorised staff.

Race numbers and ranking

Article 9

SloEnduro provides race numbers for entire season. Organizer has the right to order race numbers with their sponsors. Organizer must order numbers SloEnduro at least 30 days before race. The cost of producing new numbers is covered by the organizer.

Any cutting or folding of numbers that would hide logos of sponsors and name of series is prohibited.

Starting numbers of SloEnduro series and National Championship in Enduro are given according to the order of absolute scoring SloEnduro series after last race. Overall points from previous season is also taken in account and is equivalent to sum of points of individual race of SloEnduro (1st place is 400 points, 2nd place 300 points, 3rd place 250 points, etc ). This way contenders who raced in previous season and have omitted first race of the season because of various reasons still are “partly protected” and have same starting position as it was their overall place in overall ranking of previous season.

Women category is classified according to order of overall ranking from previous season of SloEnduro series after the last race and starting numbers are assigned the starting order together.

The numbers for category Women are assigned by the organizer. This should not be lower than 20 but not at the end of the starting order.

After the last rider of Women category there will be a 3-minute break before the next rider.

The start list will be assembled according to this order:

The order for the start list is reversed with number 1 stating as last.

It is determined by the Race propositions whether the U13 course and short course categories start before or after long course categories. The order of categories for short course is: 4Fun, U15, U17.

*These should be “VIP” riders chosen by their results in other mountain bike disciplines, EWS races, EWS ranking or national enduro races. The order of these riders is determined by order of registration.


Award ceremonies and prizes

Article 10

Award ceremony is held for the first three competitors in each category and for top five competitors in overall category.

The first three in each category are awarded with cup or trophy. Cash prizes are not mandatory.

Proposed prize overall:

Top three/five finishers have to attend the award ceremony in racing clothing or at least racing jerseys.

Competitor who fails to attend the award ceremony or is not wearing racing clothing can be penalised by SloEnduro.

Winner in each category can bring their bicycle on the podium.


Indivudual and team ranking

Article 11

The SloEnduro timing crew is responsible for preparation of race results immediately after the race.

Prijavim.se is responsible for preparation of ranking.

Points are awarded to all competitors irrespective of nationality.

Competitors ranked in same place are awarded the same number of points.

Points are awarded in all individual categories (except in 4Fun category) as well as in the overall category. Every competitor is ranked in overall category as well as in his/her respective category.

The winner receives 400 points. Points are allocated up to 80th place according to the formula listed in Article 15 of this Rule book.

Points are awarded at all races of SloEnduro series.

Ties: if two competitors have an equal number of points in the final ranking of SloEnduro the higher ranked is the one with better placing in the final race. If both of contenders are without points from final race or tied, the better result from second last race breaks the tie and so on.

Team ranking: Points of all male competitors from overall ranking are summed up for team ranking plus points of team’s top team member in women’s ranking. Competitors from 4Fun category are not included.

If two teams have same number of points the one with more competitors contributing points is placed higher.

Best three ranked in each category will be invited to the post-season award ceremony by SloEnduro.

Participation of competitors at the award ceremony is mandatory.


Code of Conduct

Article 12

Each contender with application for race and payment of the entry fee becomes part of SloEnduro Series and thereby has to respect the rules of SloEnduro and consequently rules of Cycling Federation of Slovenia for enduro.

Competitors are obligated to respect other competitors from their own and other teams.

Competitors are obligated to follow the “fair play” code from Rule book of Cycling Federation of Slovenia.

Competitors are required to respect the organizer, the technical delegate, commissaires, volunteers and other staff of the series and races (photographers, cameramen, journalists, coordinators, etc. ) and help them if necessary.

Competitors are obligated to respect sponsors of the series and of individual race.

Fair play

Article 13

Nature of endure competitions requires a great deal of cooperation among participants especially when it comes to injuries or crashes.

If competitor catches up with another competitor that was involved in a crash, they must make sure that everything is all right or help if help is needed. In case if competitor did not offer appropriate help to another competitor when needed they can be disqualified from race. If contender suspended their race due to helping a fellow competitor, then their time for the special stage is not used. They will receive the same time as competitor placed at their average rank on other stages (rounded down). For example: Rider has 2nd, 5th and 7th place in the first, second and fourth stage. In the third stage they stopped and helped injured fellow competitor. Their average ranking in the competition (2+5+7 divided by 3) is 4,67, so they receive the same time as a contender in 4th place on stage 3. Also, time penalty for missing start time is not given to a competitor who stopped to help injured fellow competitor.

The rules from “fair play” do not refer to the technical difficulties of competitors with bikes or equipment. The justification of all exemptions from “fair play” is established by commissaire along with organizer.

Competitors have to provide fair conditions for all fellow competitors. In case of spotting a competitor who does not abide the rules (not wearing helmet on the transfer, cuts stages, changes the parts of the bike) their duty is to point this out and explain that doing this is not fair to the other contenders who abide to the rules.

Slower contenders must allow overtaking to faster riders who start the race behind them.



Article 14

All violations under the Rule book Cycling Federation of Slovenia for competitions in enduro will be settled on the spot. Decisions are in charge of organizer, technical delegate or commisaire of the race.

Notwithstanding the provision in the preceding paragraph if infringements of the rules are proven later (eg. Shortening lines visible on video tape) competitor will be penalized even after the race as determined by the 77. Article of National Cup and National Championship in discipline of mountain biking and BMX Rule book and at Rule book of Cycling Federation of Slovenia.

All violations of SloEnduro Rule book (competitor not attending award ceremony, has not paid entry fee, not respecting conduct rules and other violations) are established by the race commission of SloEnduro set up by the organizers before racing season and published on www.sloenduro.com. In case of a violation a competitor will be warned or as a last resort case their points from one or all races of SloEnduro Series will be erased.


Ranking list

Article 15

At races of SloEnduro Series points are awarded as listed below. The same ranking is used to all categories and in the overall category.

Rank Number of points  Rank  Number of points  Rank  Number of points  Rank  Number of points
1. 400 15. 120 29. 74 43. 46
2. 300 16. 115 30. 72 44. 44
3. 250 17. 110 31. 70 45. 42
4. 220 18. 105 32. 68 46. 40
5. 200 19. 100 33. 66 47. 38
6. 190 20. 95 34. 64 48. 36
7. 180 21. 90 35. 62 49. 34
8. 170 22. 88 36. 60 50. 32
9. 160 23. 86 37. 58 51. 30
10. 150 24. 84 38. 56
11. 140 25. 82 39. 54
12. 135 26. 80 40. 52
13. 130 27. 78 41. 50
14. 125 28. 76 42. 48


Competitors placed from 51st to 80th place get one point less with each place. 80th place brings one point.

All competitors ranked from 80th place one receive one point including last placed. Competitors with DNF don’t get any points.

There are no point or ranking for 4Fun category.



Article 16

Issues not regulated with this Rule book are set by the Rule book of National Cup and National Championship in mountain biking and BMX at Cycling Federation of Slovenia.

Rules of SloEnduro can be changed whereof SloEnduro must inform all involved via www.sloenduro.com.

At each race organizer must publish Race propositions which is the most important document of each race. Notwithstanding of the rules of Cycling Federation of Slovenia and Rule book of SloEnduro can come to some differences in rules at individual races which organizer must publish in Race propositions to inform competitors.

Competitors are obligated to inform themselves on the Race propositions and rules for each race.