
Enduro Krokar | May 6th 2018


Enduro Krokar | May 6th 2018 | Dobrna (SLO)

Basic informations

Organiser:  Kolesarsko društvo Krokar Dobrna, Dobrna 19, 3204 Dobrna

Race date: May 6th 2018

Race venue: Dobrna (SLO)

Head of the race: Denis Tomazin

Organisation contacts:

mailicongreen  kd.krokar@gmail.com | head of the race | Denis Tomazin |+38640142181

mailicongreen  kd.krokar@gmail.com | race office | Ana Štimulak |+38640634328

mailicongreen  kd.krokar@gmail.com | course chief | Miha Miheljak |+38641 917 016

webicongreen  krokar.dobrna.si

fbiconwhite  Facebook Enduro Krokar

Timing crew

mailicongreen  kucipedal@gmail.com  | Aleš Makuc | +38631851539

Race description

Enduro Krokar is a one-day competition, which counts for the points of the SloEnduro series. On Saturday, May 5th 2018, the entire course will be open for training. Starting from 13h-14h, a registration service will be opened for picking up start numbers.
On Sunday, on the day of the race, the registration service will be open from 8 am, and the competitors will have time to get to know the course of the competition by 10 am. The competition will take place on four different tracks in Dobrna and it’s surroundings. The scheduled closing of the competition is around 15.00.

Course in PDF

More on the course

Race format

Classic format with four stages, with the possibility of training one day before.

Starting orders

Starting order will be made according to SloEnduro rules. Riders will ride in normal starting order, so the best ranked rider (number 1) will start the first, while the rest will follow.


Saturday, May 5th 2018
od 09.00 – Free training
13.00 – 14:00 Race office open

Sunday, May 6th 2018
8.00 – 10:00 Race office open
8:00 – 10.00 Free training
10.00 – 17.00 Race

Announcing the results after the arrival of the last competitor.

Race course description

The race will take place on the track with four different stages, with a total length of descent about 5.5 km and a height difference of approximately 950 m. The trails are mostly routed along new paths around Dobrna, mainly on a dirt ground with several sections of roots and rocks. In most of the routes, forest paths consist of some open paths. The route stages are partly technical partly fast, and transfers are made on the asphalt roads and gravel roads, back to the top.The start and finish will be in the center of Dobrna. There will also be a reinforcing zone where the organizer will prepare a drink and a meal for all participants.

The exact course of the race will be published a week before the competition.


Kenda SuperStage will be organised on the Enduro Cerkno. Organisers will decide which stage is the most special one which will be remembered by riders the most. That stage will be chosen to wear a title “Kenda SuperStage”. Fastest rider on that stage will be awarded by Kenda.

Which stage is it, will be announced together with the course details.


The main venue will be in the center of Dobrna, where will also be a race office, timing service and information. There will also be a starting point for transfer for stages. The parking lots are located right on arrival in Dobrna on the right.

Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/5GVUqyPrrRx

Safety gear

Safety gear is mandatory according to SloEnduro rules. On stages there is mandatory to use:  full-face helmet, knee protectors and full-finger gloves. Back protector and elbow protectors are highly advised as well.

On transfer riders can ride with normal XC helmet. All protection must be well fitted during the stages, while on transfers riders are not obligated to use it, except for the helmet.

 Basic rules

  • Competition will run under rules of UCI, rules KZS (Slovenian Cycling Federation) for Enduro and SloEnduro rules. Organiser reserves the right to complement the rule book.
  • Anykind of course cutting is not allowed on the trails. Also riding outside the trails is not allowed. It will be randomly checked with the use of electronic timing SportIdent. Riders without the “punch” on particular part of the trails will be sanctioned as cutting the trail.  Any violation of this rule will lead to disqualification of the rider.
  • Competitors are taking part of the race on their own risk
  • Prize fund is under the rules of SloEnduro
  • Results of the race will be published on the race venue 30min after finish and later on website www.sloenduro.com
  • Chief Referee: KZS referee
  • Delegate SloEnduro: Is taking care for everything to be according to SloEnduro rules and agreemants (numbers, sponsors, start orders etc…)
  • On race day race office will be located on start-finish area. Arrival to the venue will be marked, as well as transfers to the start of the stages.
  • On transfers riders will need to observe all road traffic regulations.
  • With entry fee payment and starting number pick-up every rider confirms to agree with all conditions of this propositions and is riding on his own risk.
  • Young riders needs an adult person to take a responsibility for him which should be made by his parents or an adult person who signs an entry form.
  • Riders have to take care to pick up the timing chips before the start.
  • Riding and warming-up on the race course in the time of the event is prohibited and will be sanctioned.
  • There will be marshal positioned beside the course
  • Any riding outside the marked trail is not allowed and will be sanctioned
  • Protecting gear is mandatory like the rules of KZS for enduro sais (Full-face helmet on the stages, XC helmet is allowed on transfers. Kneepads, full-finger glowes are mandatory on the stages).
  • Complaint will be accepted by racing commision in accordance with the rules. It will be accepted by cheif referee up to 10 minutes after results release. Complaint caution to be paid 20,00eur
  • Medical team will be present on the race venue.
  • Race will be run with the use of electronic timing. Riders are obliged to return chip, otherwise organiser will charge a costs for a lost chip, which is 50,00eur
  • Organiser reserves the right to change this propositions, which will be announced soon enough.
  • Organiser is not responsible for the consequences, which riders cause to their self, other riders or third party.
  • Race course will be marked at least one day before the start and ready for inspection.
  • Organiser reservers the right to change the course, stage number or stage lenght due to unexpected situation such as bad weather and similar. Organiser will announce any changes soon enough.
  • Organiser is not responsible for any kind of damage made by the riders against them selfs, other riders or any third parties.
  • Course will be marked at least one day before the race and ready for inspection

Entries and fees

Entries open

March 8th 2018

Entries system

Entries will run trough the Prijavim.se portal. Other options will not be available. The entry is succesfull when the rider:

– correctly fills up and send the entry form trough Prijavim.se

– pays the entry fee trough Prijavim.se system or organisers bank account (informations below)

– sents the bank transaction receipt to the organisers email (for those entering after April 30th)


Entries closed

Early entries closed on April 30th 2018

Late entries open from May 1st till May 5th 2018

Entries possible also on the day of the event

Late entries

There are three options to place the entry.

Early entries are open from March 8th till April 30th 2018

Late entries open from May 1st till May 5th 2018

Entries possible also on the day of the event

Early entry fee

Early entry fee for entris between March 8th and April 30th are 35,00eur

Late entry fee

Late entry fee from May 1st and May 5th are 40,00eur

All entries paid on the day of the event are 45,00eur


Entry fee payment

Entries are open at Prijavim.se portal. Entry fee can be paid by Prijavim.se portal which has Paypal and direct bank transaction option. The system will guide you trough the payment procedure. Prijavim.se entries are open from March 8th till April 30th.

No licence riders

Riders without the license can race without any extra limits. Entry is obligatory by Prijavim.se as well as for all other riders and categories.

Organiser advises to order an Slovenian Cycling Federation membership card, but it’s not obligatory. With the membership, riders gets the thirdy party liability insurance for the whole season.

Riders can order, pay and receive the card also on the day of the event.

Riders without UCI licence can only participate in HOBI category

Underage riders

For all underage riders (born after May 6th 2000) the responsibility has to be taken by an adult person, who sign their entry form.


Race will be held under the SloEnduro categories:

Absolute category

JUNIORS (2000 younger)

MEN (1999 till 1989 including)

MASTER 1 (1988 till 1979 including)

MASTER 2 (1978 and older)

WOMEN (all ages)

HOBI (all ages)