Enduro Kranjska Gora 2017 | Cancelled
Enduro Kranjska Gora | September 10th | Kranjska Gora (SLO)Basic informationsOrganiser: Športna točka d.o.o. Race date: Cancelled Race venue: Kranjska Gora (SLO) Head of the race: Rok Dokl Race office chief: Aljoša Kontrec Course chief: Rok Gregori Organisation contacts:
+386 31444818
Timing crew
Race descriptionRace will be held at the new Flow trail “Robe Twist”. This trail will host two stages with total of 900m drop. Third stages will be held in Bike Park Kranjska Gora. Total result will be a sum of all three stages. Exact race course will be known in day before the race. Race formatClassic enduro format with three stages. Starting ordersStarting order will be made according to SloEnduro rules. Riders will ride in normal starting order, so the best ranked rider (number 1) will start the first, while the rest will follow. Time tableSaturday: 8.00 – Race office open 9.40 – first riders start 11.15 –first stage start 13.00 – second stage start 14.30 – third stage start 17.00 – ceremony Race course descriptionStage 1 – Uphill to the “Robe Twist” trail (aprox. 700m of height gain). 1st stage will be held on upper part of the trail. Stage 2 – Uphill back to the start of “Robe Twist” trail (aprox. 250m of heigh gain). 2nd stage will be held on upper part and middle part of the “Robe Twist”. Finish will be marked and positioned before the end of the trail itself, due to safety reasons. Stage 3 – will be held in the bike park. Stage will be marked on Friday before the race. ArrivalSporty Bar in Kranjska Gora. Borovška cesta 102a, 4280 Kranjska Gora (close to the bike park). Safety gearSafety gear is mandatory according to SloEnduro rules. On stages there is mandatory to use: full-face helmet, knee protectors and full-finger gloves. Back protector and elbow protectors are highly advised as well. On transfer riders can ride with normal XC helmet. All protection must be well fitted during the stages, while on transfers riders are not obligated to use it, except for the helmet. Accompanying eventsSplošne določbe
Entry and feeEntries open August 23rd 2017 Entries system Entries will be collected trough Prijavim.se web-site or on race-day at the race office. Entries deadline September 14th 2017, till 24.00 Late entries Entries will be possible also at the race venue on Saturday and Sunday. Early entry fee 25,00 EUR (for entries until deadline 14.9.) Late entry fee 30 € (for all entries made on Saturday and Sunday) Entry fee payment Entry fee payment will be possible on the race day in Sporty Bar (race start place) Riders without licenses Riders without the UCI licence can participate only if the have a valid Slovenian Cycling Federation membership card (KZS card) and they can only ride in the HOBI category. It is advised that riders get the KZS card before the race, but it will be possible to get it on the race day as well. KZS card price (white card) for 2017 year is 10,00eur. The card is valid till end of the season. You can also get more informations about the card on SloEnduro email. UCI license is obligatory for all riders, except the HOBI category riders. Riders without license can only participate in HOBI category. Youth ridersFor all underage riders (born after June 18th 1999) the responsibility has to be taken by an adult person, who signs their entry form. CategoriesRace will be held under the SloEnduro categories: Absolute category JUNIORS (1999 younger) MEN (1998 till 1988 including) MASTER 1 (1987 till 1978 including) MASTER 2 (1977 and older) WOMEN (all ages) HOBI (all ages)